Human Design Integrator
Premium course
Premium course
Human Design
14 Lessons
0% Not started
Hi there, I’m Gillian Galambos, a 6/2 Splenic Projector (you’ll learn more about what that all means in the program!)
I combine my passion for human design with 12+ years of marketing and online business experience to help spiritual business owners around the world integrate your human design into your everyday life, relationships, and work.
When I discovered human design, I had finally felt like I had received permission to truly be my authentic self.
It became clear to me pretty quickly why certain strategies, frameworks, and tactics I had tried in my business weren’t working for me.
For years, I was convinced that I was doing something wrong, that if other people were able to have success using these strategies and I wasn’t, the issue must be me.
I was at the point that I was ready to throw in the towel on my business and go back to a job.
Thankfully, human design came into my life at the perfect time to help me course-correct and get back on track.
And because it’s made such a profound impact on my life, I want to help MORE people understand how truly powerful it can be.