Sleep tips for each human design type

Sleep tips for each human design type

Let’s talk about sleep, baby!

Yet another thing I have loved learning about my human design – it can help you sleep better! As a projector, I have an undefined sacral center (which is one of the nine energy centers) that acts as a battery. With it undefined or open, this means I am always picking up energy from others, but this energy is inconsistent. Basically, I don’t have access to the same amount of energy that 70% of the population does (the Generators and Manifesting Generators of the world).

Helping to figure this out means I have not only been able to make sure I’m set up for a good night’s sleep at bedtime, but I’m honouring my energy during the day (i.e. naps and rest are encouraged!)

I’ve put together a bit of a cheat sheet for each type so you can know exactly what you should be doing to make sure you’re getting a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep every night!

Manifestors: Go to bed before you’re totally exhausted – give yourself some quiet time in bed to relax, unwind, and release energies that don’t belong to you. It’s important that you make sure you’re managing your energy intentionally, or you risk magnifying your fatigue and getting non-rejuvenating rest. As you have an open sacral center, you may want to consider sleeping alone so you are not picking up the energy of your partner in the night.

Generators: You need to go to bed when you’re completely exhausted – for you, it’s really important to make sure you are getting enough physical activity during the day to burn out your sacral, otherwise you may not sleep well.

Manifesting Generators: Like a generator, it’s important you get enough physical activity during the day to burn out your sacral, but you can go to bed and read, work, or watch tv to finish generating any energy you have left to get you to the point of exhaustion.

Projectors: Like a manifestor, with your open sacral center you need a bit more time to unwind in bed and discharge any energy you have picked up during the day. It’s important for you to achieve a healthy balance between activity and rest, as your energy ebbs and flows during the day. With your open sacral, you may also want to consider sleeping alone so you are not picking up the energy of your partner in the night.

Reflector: Your environment plays a big part in how you feel, so you need to ensure your bedroom is well set up to help you feel calm and tranquil and discharge all the energy you pick up from others during the day. You also should go to bed before you’re exhausted to give yourself time to relax and unwind. Because you also have an open sacral, you may also want to consider sleeping alone so you are not picking up the energy of your partner in the night.

I hope you find these tips helpful in getting you a better night’s sleep!

And if you want to explore your type and energy level more in depth, I go over this in detail my custom Soul Map blueprints. This is a written guide to your unique design and explores who you are and how you’re designed to navigate the world in depth. The soul map blueprint will help you:

  • › In making decisions that are right for you (and learning HOW to make these decisions *hint* it’s never with the mind)

  • › Understand whether certain thoughts,ideas,feelings are your own, or if you’re picking up someone else’s energy. This can ultimately help create more boundaries in your life when you are more attuned to how you’re actually feeling

  • › Learn how best to honour your unique energy and when you should be recharging

  • › Understand how you’re designed to work

  • › Learn how to live in a way that is in alignment for you

You can get all the details about the Soul Map here!


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